General Education

Cheif Executive Officer
Theodros Shewareget (PhD)
General Education
Curriculum Development Executive
Head, Language and Co-curricular Education Curriculum Desk

Abebe Garedew(PhD)
Head, Language and Co-curricular Education Curriculum Desk
- Making language and co-curriculum education curricula effective by conducting research
- Designing projects, compiling and scaling up best practices in relation to language and co-curriculum education
- Creating authentic working system, and preparing guidelines, manuals and frameworks
- Preparing and delivering capacity development trainings
- Setting preconditions to develop and improve language and co-curriculum education curricula
- Developing, improving and implementing language and co-curriculum education curricula
- Carrying out follow up, assessment and support so as to make the curricula of language and co-curriculum education more effective and maintain its quality as well
- Developing text books and teachers’ guides of language subjects and ensuring their quality
Head, Social Science Education Curriculum Desk
Mr. Umar Emam
Head, Social Science Education Curriculum Desk
- Based on the institution’s ten-year plan, the desk shall prepare a strategic plan, annual plan, and daily operational plan, apply it at work, preparea report, take corrective measures and monitor the overall performance.
- Develops curriculum based on economic and social development reforms that include indigenous knowledge and skills, highly creative and technology-rich curriculum, improves the curriculum, revises the curriculum, and changes the curriculum.
- Prepares quality secondary school social science education Position Papers, Curriculum Content flowcharts, Learning competencies, student profiles of each level, and teaching-learning materials implements them, and ensures their suitability.
- Make follow-ups, coordinate, and leads secondary school education Continuous Assessmentsthat arepreparedfor learning competencies from curriculum materials.
- Ensures quality of pre-primary, primary, and middle-level education based on the position paper, student profile for each level, Curriculum Content flowcharts, andLearning competencies.
- Prepares budget recommendations for the operation of the desk, approves the budget and usesit for the intended purpose according to the guidelines,monitors legal implementation,gives feedback on the prepared budget report, andsubmits to the higher officials.
- Identifies research topics on challenges and prospectsof curriculum implementation,Conducts studies and research, Makes recommendations based on research results to the Chief Executive officers, and implements and Coordinates the research results.
- Solve key curriculum problems based on research results,solicits resources from governmental and non-governmental organizations by formulating a project proposal, formulating strategy, spending wealth obtained on work, and providing feedback to chief executive officers.
- Organizes a national symposium and seminar,identifies, complies, andscales upbest practices by conducting problem-solving research on the key problems of the curriculum prepared by the desk.
- Generates input when curriculum rules, strategies, guidelines, frameworks, initiatives, and manuals are developed and revised, gives feedback, and follows up when it works.
- Develops strategies for curriculum development, content changes or modification, and teaching methods; provides awareness training, leads, coordinates, follows up, and evaluates curriculum implementations.
- Following professional practice, preparing curriculum focusing on the curriculum framework, revising the teaching-learning materials learning instructional materials, national pressing and cross-cutting issues, giving feedback, coordinating, leading, and monitoring performance and its implementation.
- Evaluates the effectiveness of curriculum standards and competency measures in terms of national relevance, and provide monitoring and support for its implementation.
- Coordinates a formative and summative assessment of curriculum implementation, and following up, monitoring, and supporting for its effectiveness.
Head, Natural Science Education Curriculum Desk
Mrs. Zafu Abreha
Head, Natural Science Education Curriculum Desk
- Developing curriculum for natural Science education.
- Conducting monitoring and Evaluation for Natural Science education curriculum implementation.
- Developing, publishing, and distributing textbooks and teacher guides tothe secondary school curriculum
- Developing data collection tools and software for the distribution of textbooks
- Building an inclusive education system, monitoring and evaluating its implementation in regions and schools.
- Conducting research related to Curriculum development, implementation,and evaluation to provide quality education.
- Designing and implementinga, project related to natural education curriculum, developing best practices, and scaling up the best practice to regional education bureaus and schools.
- Establishing systems, regulations, and guiding principles and developing curriculum frameworks to provide quality education to all.
- Designing and developing a training manual to provide capacity-building training for regional education bureau heads and experts.
- Producing and contextualizing indigenous, innovative ideas, and developing them to be an input for the further revision and development of curriculum
- Working to enhanceScience, technology, engineering and Mathematicseducation (STEM)
- Planning, implementing, and reporting the desk activities to the concerned body
- Working with NGOs, Civic organizations and development partners to enhance the quality of natural science education.
Head, Career and Technical Education Curriculum Desk
Mr. Matebie Alemayehu
Head, Career and Technical Education Curriculum Desk
The main objective of career and technical education curriculum desk is to enable grade 12 graduates to create their own jobs or to be employed in their career pathways and to prepare them for further education.
- To achieve the above objective career and technical education curriculum desk, under the auspices of Curriculum Development CEO, executes the following roles and responsibilities: -
- Develops and implements such curriculum materials as Curriculum Framework, Occupational Standards, Competency Flowchart, Content Flowchart, Syllabus, Teaching, Training and Learning materials as well as Support Materials of Career and Technical Education. Conducts printing and distribution of developed curriculum materials.
- Introduces career and technical education curriculum to teachers, school leaders and stakeholders.
- Develops, implements, improves and monitors the implementation of regulations, strategies, standards and manuals of Career and Technical Education Curriculum. Formulates and scales up the development and implementation of career and Technical Education Curriculum.
- Provides awareness creation training to relevant stakeholders on policies, regulations, strategies, standards, guidelines, and manuals issued around the curriculum of career and technical education.
- Conducts research in curriculum development, implementation and evaluation of career and technical education. Uses findings of research works and recommendations as potential input to improve the curriculum.
- In order to ensure the effectiveness and maintain the quality of career and technical curriculum, carries out oversight activities and provides monitoring and support.